Baby Resources

by Pika Sleep

Rebeca Four

IBCLC, Registered Lactation Consultant

Hoboken, NJ, 07030 View location on Google Maps
Primary Phone
+1 (201) 657-1727
The Lactation Place is located at 51 Newark Street, Suite 404 C, Hoboken, NJ. Elevator building 1 block from the Hoboken Path and Light Rail Station. By appointment only. In-Network with Aetna and AmeriHealth and accepting, with REQUIRED PRE-APPROVAL, most Cigna PPO and BCBS and Anthem PPO plans. Pre-approval can take 48-72 hours but in most cases happens within a few business hours of applying. OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Fridays 9 AM - 6 PM. Office support for prenatal lactation and infant feeding education. Management of common breast/chest feeding problems including oversupply, low supply, nipple pain, and damage, latch assessment, infant feeding concerns, plugged cuts, engorgement and mastitis management, oral function assessment pre and post frenotomy education, management and support, relactation, and induced lactation. Offering unbiased support to all birthing and lactating parents to help you meet your individual feeding goals. Let's get started today! Fluent in Spanish and Tagalog.
Private practice
Clinic practice
Home visits
Hospital practice
Office practice
Virtual / Phone consultation
Lactation consultation
Pump rentals
Nutrition consultation
Other info
Professional education
Breastfeeding education

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