HeLLLo and welcome to La Leche League of York County! La Leche League of York County is a parent-to-parent support group for those that are pregnant, breast/chestfeeding, exclusively pumping, or supplementing- if you're interested in feeding human milk to your child come join us! Whole families welcome! We offer two meetings a month to meet the needs of our parents. One meeting is held on the FIRST Friday of each month at 10am at All Saints Catholic Church*- 530 SC-274, in Lake Wylie, SC. Another meeting is held on the THIRD Saturday of each month at 1 Peach Ln, Fort Mill, SC 29715 at 11:00am. ***Please note there is NOT a May 2019 meeting at this address. Support and troubleshooting is available via phone, email, Facebook, or private messaging in between meetings. Please contact a leader if you need help. Your leaders are Kathy Stellerine and Heather Gansky. *LLL is a secular organization and is not affiliated with All Saints other than being very grateful for their donated meeting space.