Baby Resources

by Pika Sleep

La Leche League of York County

Lake Wylie, SC, 29710 View location on Google Maps
HeLLLo and welcome to La Leche League of York County! La Leche League of York County is a parent-to-parent support group for those that are pregnant, breast/chestfeeding, exclusively pumping, or supplementing- if you're interested in feeding human milk to your child come join us! Whole families welcome! We offer two meetings a month to meet the needs of our parents. One meeting is held on the FIRST Friday of each month at 10am at All Saints Catholic Church*- 530 SC-274, in Lake Wylie, SC. Another meeting is held on the THIRD Saturday of each month at 1 Peach Ln, Fort Mill, SC 29715 at 11:00am. ***Please note there is NOT a May 2019 meeting at this address. Support and troubleshooting is available via phone, email, Facebook, or private messaging in between meetings. Please contact a leader if you need help. Your leaders are Kathy Stellerine and Heather Gansky. *LLL is a secular organization and is not affiliated with All Saints other than being very grateful for their donated meeting space.
Private practice
Clinic practice
Home visits
Hospital practice
Office practice
Virtual / Phone consultation
Lactation consultation
Pump rentals
Nutrition consultation
Other info
Professional education
Breastfeeding education

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