Baby Resources

by Pika Sleep
Amherst, NH, 03031 View location on Google Maps
Primary Phone
+1 (603) 258-1755
Sarah McNamara is an IBCLC offering home visits in Southern NH, as well as telehealth visits. She has 12 years of experience working with a diverse population of families as a certified prenatal and lactation educator, and she has provided care at a hospital breastfeeding clinic in Boston for the past 5 years. She also facilitates a weekly breastfeeding support group. Sarah enjoys working with families of premature infants, newborns and multiples. She provides compassionate, evidence-based education and support to meet the unique needs and goals of each family.
Private practice
Clinic practice
Home visits
Hospital practice
Office practice
Virtual / Phone consultation
Lactation consultation
Pump rentals
Nutrition consultation
Other info
Professional education
Breastfeeding education

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