Baby Resources

by Pika Sleep

Feedology – Lactation & Infant Feeding Support


South Orange, NJ, 07079 View location on Google Maps
Primary Phone
+1 (973) 587-2357
At Feedology, we believe every lactation and infant feeding journey is unique. We will work with you to provide personalized support to help you reach your goals - whether that’s offering breastmilk / human milk, formula, or a mix of both. As a member of your care team, we will discuss a range of options and co-create a sustainable plan together that keeps you and baby in mind. We will do this by providing evidence based research, gentle care and guidance, and compassion. Our services include in-home consultations and virtual sessions. We offer breastfeeding, chest feeding, bottle feeding, and starting solid foods support. Common challenges addressed are low supply, over supply, painful latch, breast refusal, bottle refusal, low weight gain, breast engorgement, nipple damage, nipple shields, infant fussiness, weaning and returning to work. Additional support related to diapering, infant sleep, newborn care and postpartum maternal care.
Private practice
Clinic practice
Home visits
Hospital practice
Office practice
Virtual / Phone consultation
Lactation consultation
Pump rentals
Nutrition consultation
Other info
Professional education
Breastfeeding education

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