Breastfeeding Support Group (free) - join our new mothers and learn about breastfeeding techniques, parenting issues, and how to prepare to return to work. No registration is required. Virtua Memorial Conference Center - every Wednesday 11:00 am-12:30 pm; Virtua Voorhees Garden Level Conference Center - every Wednesday 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm. Working Mom Survival Guice: Back to Work Support Group (free) - more than half of all new moms go back to work when their infants are younger than one year old. Bring your infant to our evening and afternoon support group where we will discuss balancinencg new schedules, breast or bottle feeding, and caring for yourself (young siblings are also welcome). Virtua Memorial Conference Center - every other Thursday evening 6:30 pm- 7:30 pm; Virtua Voorhees Garden Level Conference Center - every other Monday afternoon 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm.