(Meeting virtually. Join at La Leche League of Dalton Group on Facebook and asked to join.) La Leche League is an international, non-profit, non-sectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, mother-to-mother support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed. Accredited by La Leche League International, volunteer Leaders are experienced breastfeeding mothers who have breastfed their own babies and who have been trained and accredited by La Leche League International to help mothers and mothers-to-be with breastfeeding. Leaders are familiar with research and current findings dealing with nursing. We offer practical information and support to nursing mothers through telephone help, monthly meetings, and lending libraries of books on childbirth, breastfeeding, and related parenting topics. All women interested in breastfeeding are welcome to attend meetings or call Leaders for breastfeeding help. La Leche League Leaders have been supporting women and their breastfeeding choices since 1956 and have spread from seven women serving their community to an international organization serving 65 countries. With 24 Groups and 89 accredited La Leche League Leaders active in the state of Georgia, your local La Leche League Series Meeting may be just around the corner. Mothers of babies or toddlers may attend all LLL meetings offered and can feel free to ask any question they may have concerning breastfeeding at each, as well. Please visit the group website for the most up to date information. Please call a Leader to confirm the Group meeting time and location, as these are subject to change.