Baby Resources

by Pika Sleep

Milestones Lactation LLC

IBCLC, Board Certified Lactation Consultant

Wellesley, MA, 02481 View location on Google Maps
Primary Phone
+1 (781) 591-9819
I have been a lactation consultant for two years, prior to obtaining my certification I was a student for Occupational Therapy. My Occupational Therapy background encouraged me to seek a career in lactation through learning what makes a child reach important milestones. What fascinated me is learning about how much infant development can be impacted through feeding. I found a deep passion for assisting families in their infant feeding methods. I am the Lead Lactation Consultant at my local hospital where I advocate for all patients needs and collaborate with health care team members to assist in guiding parents towards their preferred feeding methods. I emphasize the importance of individualized care, where each baby and each breast is different. I assist in supporting families based on their individual needs and goals. Helping them reach every milestone!
Private practice
Clinic practice
Home visits
Hospital practice
Office practice
Virtual / Phone consultation
Lactation consultation
Pump rentals
Nutrition consultation
Other info
Professional education
Breastfeeding education

Lactation consultants by state

Colorado Connecticut Florida Georgia Massachusetts Maine Minnesota Montana North Dakota New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico Pennsylvania Puerto Rico South Carolina Vermont West Virginia