Baby Resources

by Pika Sleep

Spartanburg Medical Center Lactation Department


Spartanburg, SC, 29303 View location on Google Maps
Primary Phone
+1 (864) 560-2297
Lactation Services at Spartanburg Medical Center supports you before you have your baby, while you are in the hospital and after you go home. Our lactation office is on the third floor of the Montgomery Tower at Spartanburg Medical Center. We offer many breastfeeding supplies for purchase or rental in a beautiful boutique setting. Whether you are facing specific issues with breastfeeding or just want to ensure you get off to a great start nourishing and bonding with your baby, you can schedule an appointment with one of our Certified Lactation Consultants. Spartanburg Medical Center offers a free breastfeeding support group – Table for Two – for breastfeeding mothers and their babies to meet each other, discuss concerns and exchange tips on life with a new baby. Lunch is included. We ask that you attend after your baby is at least two weeks old. Please register if you plan to attend at Spartanburg Medical Center also offers breastfeeding classes for new moms. Learn breastfeeding basics and the benefits breastfeeding offers to both mom and baby in this special class. This class is taught by a board-certified lactation consultant and/or Certified Lactation Counselor from our Lactation Department or Prenatal Educator Team. Register at Spartanburg Medical Center is a Milk Depot for South Carolina's Milk Bank. You are likely to qualify as a breast milk donor if: *You are generally healthy, *You do not take medications or herbal supplements on a regular basis (with certain exceptions), *You do not smoke or use street drugs, *You are willing to undergo a blood test, *You can arrange for transportation of your milk to a depot (drop-off site), *Milk has been stored in designated milk storage bags or another container specifically designed , for storing breast milk since pump date, *If milk has been stored in a standalone, deep freezer, you can deliver your breast milk to a baby within one year of pump date, *If milk has been stored in a freezer attached to a refrigerator, you can deliver your breast milk to a baby within six months of pump date
Private practice
Clinic practice
Home visits
Hospital practice
Office practice
Virtual / Phone consultation
Lactation consultation
Pump rentals
Nutrition consultation
Other info
Professional education
Breastfeeding education

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